About Us

 The launch of "Lure Shack, LLC" has been a long journey. Inspired by my passion for hunting and fishing, I started making my own soft lures with a focus on functionality. After neck surgery, I had the time to study lure crafting in depth. Through support and trial-and-error, "Lure Shack, LLC" now produces high-quality products. If you are searching for a quality soft lure, reach out to me at info@lureshack.org and I am more than happy to assist you with selecting the correct lure.

If you are using Lure Shack Soft Bait Lures and have a photograph or video to share, we would be delighted to feature them on our Wall of Fame. Kindly submit a high-quality photograph or a brief video to info@lureshack.org. Thank you. By submitting your photos or videos, you consent to their display on our website and agree not to hold Lure Shack, LLC liable for any related issues.



Mark & Liz Mast, Owners



5" Cenko Morning Dawn

Bill's lure of choice was the 5" Morning Dawn, a renowned bait among seasoned anglers. Known for its vibrant color and realistic movement, the Morning Dawn is particularly effective in attracting large
sport fish. Bill had a hunch that today, this lure would be his lucky charm.

Get yours today

#8lbs.of Bass

These #8-pounders were hooked using a Cenko 5" molded-in o-ring, green pumpkin, black flake lure!

Get yours today

#5 lb. Bass

This largemouth was caught with a Cenko lure from "Lure Shack" and they are my "go-to-lure" to catch fish! Besides, the best lures you can find anywhere online. www.lureshack.org

Hall of Fame


#5 lb. Bass

This #5 lb. largemouth bass was caught with a Cenko lure.

Get Yours Today